
Shipping prices on will be dependent on the individual product, as well as your shipping location.

Handling Times

From the day you order your product(s), on certain items, you should receive your order in two weeks. If more than three weeks pass and you still don’t have your order, feel free to contact us. Make sure to include your order number.

Items shipped by Outdoor Survivalist will take less time to process than other orders; this however, is not a guarantee.

Delays in shipping times due to delivery services shall not be the fault of Outdoor Survivalist. Contact the company that’s delivering your order(s) for more information.

Shipping Restrictions

We only ship to addresses within Canada. Orders with billing and shipping addresses outside Canada will not be fulfilled. Unfulfilled orders will be refunded.

If Canada Post and/or other shipping agencies are unable to deliver your order(s), we shall not be held responsible.

Changes to this Policy

This Shipping Policy may change from time to time without notice or additional consent. In the event that it does change, we will put a notice on the Hompage.

Last Updated: April 28, 2024